
Your physician’s office will give you a date and estimated time for your surgery. Please be aware that the time is tentative only. We make every effort to accommodate scheduling needs that you and others may have which necessitates flexibility. Babies, children, elderly, diabetics and any number of special needs cause our schedule to be amended from the time written on your surgery slip from your doctor’s office. We recommend that you clear your calendar for the day of surgery, if at all possible, as your arrival time may change, even the day of surgery. We appreciate your understanding.

Preparing for Surgery


Your physican’s office may order tests that must be complete prior to your surgery. It is important that you get these tests performed as soon as possible so that results are complete pin advance of surgery day. Please make a note of where your tests were performed and bring it with you if you feel you might not be able to remember the office names. We may ask where you had your tests in our pre-op call so that we can assure all tests are on your chart the day of surgery. Your surgery may be cancelled if test results are not here. It is often helpful for you to request a copy of your EKG, if one is ordered, and bring it with you. If it is not too inconvenient, a request by you, for results to be faxed to CSI at 805-473-9851, is very helpful.

Pre-operative phone consultation

It is very, very important that we speak with you. You will receive a phone call from our office 1-2 business days prior to your surgery. Please make sure that your phone contact information is updated with your surgeon’s office as this is the number we will call. If you have not heard from our office by 2:00pm, please call us at 805-473-9850.

During the pre-op phone call, we will answer questions and provide you with your updated time of arrival. If we have last minute cancellations or schedule changes, we will call you immediately. This does occur so please check your messages the morning of surgery and remain flexible that day. Remember, our office will give you the updated time for arrival. If this conflicts with the time on your surgery slip, use our time.

You will be asked for a list of your medications. The nurse will review which medications to take before surgery and which should not be taken. You may take the smallest sip of water needed to swallow your medications.

Pacemakers and defibrillators

Please make sure your surgeon knows of any implanted devices you may have. Unfortunately, we do not perform surgery on patients with implanted defibrillator. This is for your safety. Patients with implanted pacemakers (without defibrillators) are required to have an interrogation of their device within the last six months.

Arranging transportation home

You MUST have a responsible adult drive you after your surgery and stay with you until you are safe to stay by yourself.  For patients receiving general anesthesia, you will need someone to stay with you overnight. This is for your safety. You will be asked to provide the phone number of your ride during the check-in process. The only exceptions to this rule is if you have no sedation nor anesthesia for your procedure.

Showering and shaving

You should shower or bathe prior to surgery. Please do not shave the operative site. Razors are known to leave microscopic cuts in your skin and increase the risk of infection.

What to have at home

You may want to assemble some items to have on hand for the first few days after surgery. Soups, crackers and plenty of fluids are easy to digest and may be the only thing that sounds palatable the day of or after surgery. If you have throat or ear surgery or an endoscopy, cold and soft foods are typically recommended and are therapeutic. These include ice cream, popsicles, yogurt and cool beverages.
Stool softeners are recommended if you are taking prescribed narcotic pain medication after surgery. A known side effect of these medications is constipation which can be quite uncomfortable. Colace or Senekot are good softeners. If you already have problems with elimination, Senekot-S may be required which is a softener and elimination stimulant combined. All of these medications are available over-the-counter at drug stores. Store brands are acceptable. Walking, if allowed by your doctor, and drinking lots of fluids is also recommended to help with digestion.

What to avoid

Blood thinners are generally stopped prior to surgery. The duration will be given to you by your doctor. Blood thinners include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Coumadin (Warfarin)
  • Plavix 
  • Pradaxa and Xarelto 
  • Aspirin 
  • Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil)
  • Naproxen (Naproxyn, Aleve, Naprelan)


  • Ginko biloba & ginseng
  • Garlic & ginger capsules
  • Vitamins C and E

Diabetic medication will be discussed with you on a case by case basis. Generally, oral medications are not to be taken the day of surgery, as you will not be eating which can lead to low blood sugar. The dose of injectable insulin will be altered or eliminated depending on the time of your surgery. Please tell the nurse about your medication during the pre-operative phone call.

The Day of Surgery

Eating and drinking

You will be given a time to stop eating and drinking. When in doubt, don’t eat or drink anything 8 hours prior to surgery.

Schedule update phone calls

Please be available by phone the day of surgery. For your convenience, we will make every effort to update you if the schedule is running early or late.

What to bring to the surgery center with you

  • Photo identification
  • Insurance cards
  • Co-pay, if applicable
  • Phone number of person driving your home unless you will not receive anesthesia for your procedure, also called a “local only procedure or local anesthesia”
  • Easy to change clothing.
  • Copy of EKG, if applicable
  • Name of place where pre-operative testing was performed
  • A copy of your Advanced Directive, if desired
  • Hearing aids, if applicable

What to leave at home

  • All removable jewelry, including wedding rings, purse, wallet, watch, piercings
  • Large amounts of cash

Once at the surgery center and after you have checked in at the reception desk, you will be taken back to the pre-op area where you will be prepared for surgery. Your guest may be brought back to sit with you after you have been prepped and stay until you go into the operating room.

After surgery, you will be brought to the PACU (Post Anesthesia Care Unit) where you will remain until you are ready to go home. Your guest will be able to sit with you there, after you are awake. Your physician will speak with your guest and look in on you, but you may very well not remember this. You will be given a typed instruction sheet to follow when you get home.

After Surgery

At home

Please take it easy when you go home. Drink lots of fluids and follow your physician’s instructions closely. A pillow or two is usually adequate for elevating operative extremities.

You will receive a post-operative text message the business day after your surgery.  Simply follow the prompt to respond.

Take your pain medication as directed and with food to help avoid nausea. If the pain medication causes nausea despite taking it with food, call your physician for a change in prescription or anti-nausea medication.

Satisfaction Survey

It is very important to us that your experience here is as safe, comfortable and successful as possible. You will be given a Satisfaction Survey card at the end of your procedure. We pay very close attention to your opinions and thank you, in advance, for your response.


We may call to discuss your financial obligation. Co-pays and/ or deductibles will be required prior to surgery. Questions after initial billing are referred to our billing service at toll-free 1 (855) 633-2743. You will receive separate bills from your surgeon, anesthesiologist and the pathology lab, if applicable.

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Special note about childen

We have specially trained staff to care for your child. Time away from you will be held to the absolute minimum and every effort will be made to make the experience as stress free as possible for all of you! You can bring a favorite toy, special blanket or DVD for them; we have DVD players in their rooms. It is required that any child under the age of 18 have a parent or adult guardian on the premises at all times during their stay.